Made with Huly®

I. Name, Purpose, and Principles

1. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Huly Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation”).

2. Purpose

The main purpose of the Foundation is to support, develop, and promote the Huly Project. Inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto, who aimed to give people control over their own money, the Huly Project aims to give people control over their own data.

The Huly Project creates a decentralized, blockchain-based ecosystem that can replace many existing tools and platforms like CRMs, project management tools, communication and collaboration platforms, and professional networking services.

This ecosystem is designed to be censorship-resistant and independent of any corporation, allowing anyone to collaborate and communicate freely across the world. The Huly Project will greatly benefit the gig economy and digital nomads by providing strong tools for flexible and remote work.

By building a full economy around the Huly Project with various services and products, it helps individuals, teams, companies, and non-commercial organizations. The Foundation’s specific goals include:

  1. Develop and promote the Huly Project and its ecosystem.
  2. Support research and innovation that help the Huly Project’s mission.
  3. Educate people about the Huly Project and show how it can change the way we interact and work online.
  4. Build a strong and diverse community of developers, users, and stakeholders in the Huly ecosystem.
  5. Ensure the Huly Project remains sustainable and decentralized.

3. Guiding Principles

The Foundation will follow these principles:

  1. Decentralization: The Foundation will work to keep the Huly Project decentralized, avoiding concentration of power or control.
  2. Transparency: All Foundation activities, financial transactions, and decision-making processes will be open and available to the public.
  3. Community-Driven: The Foundation will be governed by its community through democratic processes, using decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). This includes ways for the community to give input and make decisions.
  4. Innovation: The Foundation will constantly seek to improve and innovate within the Huly ecosystem, staying at the front of technology to offer better alternatives to existing tools and platforms.
  5. Censorship Resistance: The Huly Project will be designed to resist censorship, ensuring free and open access to collaboration and communication tools without relying on any central authority.
  6. Data Security and Privacy: All data in the Huly ecosystem will be fully encrypted by default to ensure privacy and security.
  7. Ethical Conduct: All Foundation activities will follow the highest ethical standards, focusing on long-term benefits and creating a censorship-resistant, decentralized internet.
  8. Support for the Gig Economy and Digital Nomads: The Foundation will create tools to help the gig economy and digital nomads, providing flexible, secure, and efficient solutions for remote work and global collaboration.
  9. Global Accessibility: The Foundation will work to make the Huly ecosystem available to people all over the world, no matter where they live or how much money they have.
  10. Interoperability: The Foundation will promote interoperability between the Huly Project and other technologies to create a more connected and efficient collaborative environment.

4. Non-Profit Status

The Foundation shall operate as a non-profit entity. Any income generated through its activities shall be used solely for the furtherance of its stated purposes and shall not be distributed to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons.

5. Commitment to Open Source

In the spirit of transparency and community collaboration, all software developed by the Foundation for the Huly Project shall be open-source and made publicly available under MIT open-source license.