Made with Huly®

Article V. Transparency and Reporting

Section 1. Commitment to Transparency

The Huly Foundation is committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency in all its operations, financial transactions, and decision-making processes.

Section 2. On-Chain Transparency

  1. All Foundation transactions and token movements shall be recorded on-chain and publicly accessible.
  2. Smart contracts governing Foundation operations shall be open-source and verifiable.
  3. Voting results and proposal outcomes shall be permanently recorded on-chain.

Section 3. Financial Reporting

  1. The Foundation shall maintain real-time, publicly accessible dashboards showing:

    1. Current token distribution
    2. Treasury balances
    3. Staking participation and rewards
    4. Token burning progress
  2. Quarterly financial reports shall be published, including:

    1. Detailed breakdown of Foundation expenses
    2. Income from staking rewards
    3. Any other sources of revenue or expenditure

Section 4. Project Development Reporting

The Foundation shall maintain a public roadmap of planned developments and improvements to the Huly ecosystem. Monthly development updates shall be published, detailing:

  1. Progress on ongoing projects
  2. New initiatives or partnerships
  3. Technical upgrades or changes to the Huly blockchain

Section 5. Community Engagement

  1. The Foundation shall host monthly community calls to discuss recent developments, answer questions, and gather feedback.
  2. An official forum shall be maintained for ongoing discussions and proposal refinement.
  3. All official communications shall be archived and easily accessible to the community.

Section 6. Audit and Compliance

  1. The Foundation shall undergo annual third-party audits of its financial statements and smart contracts.
  2. Audit reports shall be made publicly available within 30 days of completion.
  3. The Foundation shall publish an annual compliance report detailing adherence to relevant regulations and its own bylaws.

Section 7. Security and Incident Reporting

  1. The Foundation shall maintain a bug bounty program to encourage responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities.
  2. Any security incidents or breaches shall be reported to the community within 24 hours of discovery, followed by a detailed post-mortem report within 7 days.

Section 8. Token Holder Analytics

The Foundation shall provide regular analytics on token holder distribution, avoiding any personally identifiable information. Reports shall include metrics such as:

  1. Number of unique token holders
  2. Distribution of tokens across different holding sizes
  3. Staking participation rates

Section 9. Accessibility of Information

  1. All reports and data shall be made available in multiple formats to ensure accessibility.
  2. Key information shall be translated into major languages to support the global Huly community.

Section 10. Whistleblower Protection

  1. The Foundation shall establish a secure, anonymous channel for reporting any concerns about Foundation operations or potential misconduct.
  2. Whistleblowers shall be protected from retaliation, as enforced through smart contract governance.

Section 11. Continuous Improvement

  1. The Foundation shall regularly seek community feedback on the quality and comprehensiveness of its reporting.
  2. Proposals to improve transparency measures shall be encouraged and given priority in the DAO voting process.