Made with Huly®

Article IX. Technical Development and Governance

1. Purpose

This article outlines the principles, processes, and governance mechanisms for the technical development and maintenance of the Huly blockchain and associated technologies.

2. Core Principles

The technical development of the Huly blockchain shall adhere to the following principles:

  1. Decentralization: Maintaining and enhancing the decentralized nature of the network
  2. Security: Prioritizing the security and integrity of the blockchain
  3. Scalability: Improving the scalability and performance of the network
  4. Interoperability: Enhancing compatibility with other blockchain networks and protocols
  5. Innovation: Fostering continuous innovation in blockchain technology
  6. Accessibility: Ensuring the technology remains accessible to a wide range of users and developers

3. Technical Roadmap

  1. The Foundation shall maintain a public technical roadmap outlining planned developments and improvements.
  2. The roadmap shall be reviewed and updated quarterly, subject to DAO approval.

4. Development Process

  1. All core protocol development shall follow an open-source model.
  2. Code repositories shall be publicly accessible and open for community contributions.
  3. A formal code review process shall be established for all proposed changes.

5. Governance of Technical Changes

  1. Minor Updates:
    1. Bug fixes and minor improvements may be implemented by the core development team.
    2. These changes must be publicly announced and documented.
  2. Major Updates:
    1. Significant protocol changes or new features must be proposed as Huly Improvement Proposals (HIPs).
    2. HIPs shall undergo community discussion and DAO voting before implementation.

6. Huly Improvement Proposals (HIPs)

  1. Any community member may submit a HIP.
  2. HIPs must include:
    1. Detailed technical specifications
    2. Rationale for the proposed change
    3. Implementation plan
    4. Potential risks and mitigation strategies
  3. HIPs shall follow a standardized format and numbering system.

7. Voting on HIPs

  1. HIPs require a 67% majority of votes cast to pass.
  2. A minimum quorum of 20% of all circulating tokens is required for HIP votes.
  3. The voting period for HIPs shall be 14 days.

8. Implementation of Approved HIPs

  1. Upon approval, the core development team shall integrate the HIP into the development roadmap.
  2. Regular updates on the progress of HIP implementation shall be provided to the community.

9. Emergency Patches

  1. In cases of critical vulnerabilities, the core development team may implement emergency patches.
  2. Such actions must be immediately disclosed to the community and ratified by a DAO vote within 72 hours.

10. Forks and Chain Splits

  1. Any proposed hard fork must be approved by a 75% supermajority DAO vote.
  2. In the event of a chain split, the Foundation shall support the chain chosen by the DAO.

11. Blockchain Parameters

  1. Key blockchain parameters (e.g., block size, gas limits) shall be adjustable through DAO voting.
  2. Parameter change proposals must include thorough analysis of potential impacts.

12. Smart Contract Upgrades

  1. Core smart contracts may be upgraded through a time-locked, multi-signature process.
  2. Upgrade proposals must be publicly announced and subject to community review.

13. External Audits and Security

  1. Regular third-party security audits of the core protocol and smart contracts shall be conducted.
  2. Audit reports shall be made public within 30 days of completion.
  3. A bug bounty program shall be maintained to incentivize the responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities.

14. Developer Ecosystem

  1. The Foundation shall provide resources and support to foster a vibrant developer ecosystem.
  2. Regular hackathons, grants, and educational programs shall be organized to encourage development on the Huly blockchain.

15. Interoperability and Standards

  1. The Foundation shall actively participate in industry-wide standardization efforts.
  2. Development of cross-chain interoperability solutions shall be prioritized.

16. Data Privacy and Compliance

  1. All technical development shall adhere to best practices in data privacy and security.
  2. Compliance with relevant regulations shall be regularly assessed and maintained.

17. Technical Documentation

  1. Comprehensive and up-to-date technical documentation shall be maintained and made publicly accessible.
  2. Documentation shall be available in multiple languages to support the global developer community.

18. Resolving Technical Disagreements

In cases of significant disagreements within the developer community on technical decisions, a formal dispute resolution process shall be initiated. This process will involve:

  1. A detailed technical review by a panel of experts elected by the DAO.
  2. A public debate period where arguments for different approaches are presented.
  3. A final decision made through a DAO vote, requiring a 2/3 majority to pass.

19. Continuous Improvement

This article and the technical governance processes shall be subject to regular review and improvement through the amendment process outlined in Article VI.